This job posting expired and applications are no longer accepted.

Medical Doctor

at Relief International (RI)
Location Blue Nile-Damazin, Sudan
Date Posted September 15, 2022
Category Health Care / Medical
Job Type Contract
Currency SDG


Relief International (RI) is an international non-governmental organization US and UK based, working in the humanitarian field since 2004 in Sudan, providing emergency relief and early recovery activities to internally displaced persons (IDP) and rural communities, focusing in lifesaving health and nutrition services. RI is looking for qualified candidates to fill the vacancies mentioned herewith

 Vacancy No: 2
 Supervisor: Area Manger- Technically Health Manager
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: Blue Nile-Damazin
 Duration: 10 months will possible extension
 Closing Date: 22 Sept 2022

About RI:   

 Relief International (RI) is a leading global organization and home to teams of humanitarian activist professionals committed to transforming adversity into renewal for the world’s most vulnerable populations. By collaborating with beneficiaries and communities on the front lines, RI innovatively bridges the gap between immediate relief and long-term community development.

Job Summary

The medical doctor will be fully responsible to manage the PHC clinics by ensuring the quality of care; staff management and general management of the PHC health system. He or she will identify critical sick patients needing referral to higher health facilities and refer the cases or authorize referrals through Medical Assistants. The Medical Doctor will frequently conduct meetings with staff to identify staff needs and share with the manager for support where needed.

 Duties and responsibilities:

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. The medical doctor will ensure the availability of all supplies and equipment needed in PHC clinics in collaboration with RI-relevant staff.
  2. The medical doctor will ensure the provision of quality PHC services within static PHC clinics and outreach sites.
  3. The Medical doctor will refer critically ill patients to a high facility level.
  4. The Medical doctor will manage the health staff, clinics, and feeding centers under the nutrition program.
  5. The Medical doctor will be engaged in monthly health meetings at El -the Damazine Office level to share achievements and challenges faced
  6. The Medical doctor will ensure all Health and Nutrition meet donor indicators as per the proposal
  7. The Medical doctor will document best practices and share timely with RI-relevant persons
  8. The Medical doctor will represent RI at coordination meetings where necessary.

To keep and record PHC activities

1-The medical doctor should use monthly data entry formats to review the weekly and monthly reports.

2- The Medical doctor will follow MOH and WHO guidelines and protocols in managing patients.

3- The Medical doctor should ensure, that all cases should be registered in the SMoH/WHO/RI standardized registration book.

4- The Medical doctor should keep accurate records in quality assurance records

5- The Medical doctor should keep community records regarding accountability Boxes to capture Community engagement and program ownership

6- The Medical doctor should participate in any activity as assigned by the Line manager and Health Coordinator

Special notes:

The employee holding this job must expect that his/her performance will be measured in part against the standards outlined in his/her job description. However, the JD is subject to revision to further the consistency with the position's level of responsibilities may be necessary to fulfill Relief International objectives in the country.

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:


  1. Qualified and certified Medical Doctor with at least 3 years of experience in a hospital  work setting or in the field of PHC in a fragile context, mainly with NGOs or international institutions
  2. Good command of English language; native Arabic speaker
  3. Conversant with Sphere; WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, and Sudan Federal Ministry of Health Protocols

Traits/Interpersonal skills needed

  1. Ability to focus on priorities, good management, coaching, and communication skills
  2. Ability to work in a team
  3. Ability and experience in working with community groups in PHC


  1. Breaking Organization rules and policies
  2. Nonperformance; tardiness and lateness
  3. Non-adherence to Code of conduct including P4

RI Values: We uphold the Humanitarian Principles: of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and operational independence. We affirmatively engage the most vulnerable communities.

We value:

  • Inclusiveness
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Agility and Innovation
  • Collaboration
  • Sustainability

Applying Instructions

To apply: Please, submit your application to the HAC Office in Eldamazein in a sealed envelope containing your CV, copies of your work certificates, and qualifications. State the name of the position, a telephone contact number, and three professional referencesor online through,

Closing date: 22.09.2022, at 14:00 


  • Only short-listed candidates are contacted for written assessment.
  • Female candidates and fresh graduates with relevant competencies are encouraged to apply. 
  • This job description can be amended in line with the activities or evolution of the mission.
  • To find out more about Relief International please visit our website at
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